Part time work is a form of employment characterised by working hours less than usual full time business hours.
Part time work is regulated by Art. 319 et seq. of the ‘CoO’.
The statutory situation
Several contracts of employment at one time
Part time workers are mostly not only employed by just one employer but entertain several work contracts with a variety of employers. This is also statutorily permissible provided no infringement of the duties of due care and fidelity arises (comp. Art. 321a of the ‘CoO’).
Duty to work overtime
Part time employees essentially also have to work overtime, when such is necessary. Such employees often also have other commitments, primarily with other employers, which restricts the duty to work overtime.
Free time and paid vacation
Art. 329 of the ‘CoO’ regulates free time. In regard to claims for paid vacation, referral can be made to Art. 329a of the ‘CoO’, i.e. part time employees are entitled to at least four weeks paid vacation. In determining the time period of paid vacation, an employer will in addition also have to take consideration of possible multiple employment commitments of the employee.